The Quintessential Applications Clinical Protocol is all about excitation and inhibition of neural pathways. It utilizes the manual muscle testing response (inhibited, facilitated, over-facilitated) as a reflection of the status of the anterior horn motor neuron pool (AMN) for the muscle being tested. Sensory receptor based diagnostic challenges result in muscle testing outcomes (changes in the AMN) that are then used to direct appropriate therapy.

Though strong (facilitated) or weak (inhibited) muscles are utilized in sensory receptor based diagnostic challenges, weak muscles best serve the needs of our initial investigations. Postural analysis and TS Line analysis help to identify muscle weakness. Posture, range of motion, pain, etc. are used to objectively measure the clinical presentation and subsequent treatment response.

Injury recall (IRT) patterns must be addressed first. Correction of injuries with IRT reduces cortical and/or cerebellar asymmetry and restores normal muscle spindle control mechanisms necessary for muscular and postural control. Many neurological signs and autonomic effects are also significantly changed by IRT corrections. Similar responses occur when applying pain relief techniques (NSB, Set Point). Addressing these patterns of aberrant neurological function in the beginning optimizes response to subsequent therapies and helps avoid recidivism.

Fanning out the “Brain on Fire”. Our Brains are our most important and complex organ. When fanned by inflammation and excess excitatory activity, brain neurons become overstimulated to the point of exhaustion and even cell death, the so-called “Brain on Fire”.
Dr. Matejka has simplified complicated physiology, to properly support whatever has gone wrong weather it’s a NEUROTRANSMITTER Issue, a CYTOKINE Issue or something else. We integrate structural, chemical, and emotional/mental procedures that optimize brain and brainstem functions, and put out the “Brain on Fire”.

Systemic nutritional factors essential for cellular, neuromuscular and neurological support must be addressed early regardless of presenting symptoms. These factors are vital for proper healing and have a direct impact on nerve, brain and immune function, inflammation, energy production, tissue oxygen supply, cartilage and connective tissue repair. Citric acid cycle (CAC) nutritional factors are addressed later as CAC-inhibiting immune modulators (cytokines – interleukins, TNF) may reveal an apparent need that, oftentimes, subsequently resolves.

Systemic structural factors (K-27 Switching, Cranial, TMJ) result in aberrant postural patterns that must be considered prior to addressing local problems or manipulating the spine. When neurological “switching patterns” are present, immune system dysfunction is most often the underlying cause. Attention to these structural factors has a direct impact on the mesencephalic reticular formation affecting, among other things, pattern generation (flexion, extension, rotation, lateral flexion), TMJ muscle function, and autonomic expression.

CAC & ETC (Electron Transport Chain) function are now assessed assuring adequate ATP production, the production of CO2, synthesis of bicarbonate ion (CSF, HCl and Pancreatic Enzymes), and optimal neuron “firing”.

Heart-focused (HF) activity positively influences autonomic, endocrine, and immune function. This self-induced, positive emotion driven therapy is preferentially performed after favorably influencing neuroimmunologic function.

Systemic endocrine factors are now considered, since sources of endocrine disturbance (Injuries, Immune Dysfunction, Histamine Elevation) have already been addressed. First, we must identify the need for increasing or decreasing endocrine function, realizing that excess hormone may be a result of over production or faulty liver detoxification, and faulty liver detoxification may be GI Tract (esp. Large Intestine) related. Hyperinsulinism, present in many endocrine problems, must also be considered.

Sources of autonomic dysfunction (Injuries, Stress) and sources of GI disturbance (Allergens, Bad Fats, Endocrine/Bowel/Liver) previously corrected make further assessment of the GI Tract appropriate at this time. Evaluating for hiatal hernia/GERD is critical prior to examining the ICV as a part of a fully integrated digestive system. Autonomic dysfunction is corrected first clarifying subsequent enteric nervous system evaluations.

Relieving persistent somatic manifestations of emotional stress is now appropriate as biochemical (Nutrients for Neurotransmitters, Adrenal Stress), neurological (Injuries, Pain, HF) and GI (Psychological/Physiological Reversal, Toxicity) factors adversely affecting our ability to cope have been ameliorated.

Presenting symptomatology is often greatly reduced or entirely absent prior to the assessment of “local” problems. However, at this juncture, origin-insertion, Chapman’s reflexes, fascial sheath shortening, iliolumbar ligament, pelvis, spine and extremities are definitively more responsive to our focused therapeutic effort as remaining dysfunction is relieved of the interference caused by previously aberrant descending neural pathways.

At or near the end of each treatment session, gait assessment provides essential feedback confirming that necessary mechanical corrections have been effectively made and assuring that no further therapy (e.g. Pancreas Chapman’s Reflex Stimulation) is needed prior to releasing the patient to daily activity.

After attending to all of the parameters mentioned above, if pain persists, LQM is most effective, as the general systemic effects on the cortex, cerebellum, structure, viscera and chemistry have been effectively redressed.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (815) 455-4500.